Meet Our Community Partners
We are fortunate to partner with many organizations in and surrounding the Salem community. These organizations provide additional resources and added value to our organization's programs.
Get in contact with us today if you are interested in partnering with us.
2023 Current River Mural Initiative Donors - Gifts of $1,000 or more
River Society (Annual gifts of $5,000+):
Craig Family Foundation
Whippoorwill Circle ($10,000+):
L-A-D Foundation
Dent County Industrial Development Authority
Ruth Arts Foundation
Patron of Ozark Nature & Culture ($2,500-9,999):
Salem Area Community Betterment Association
Dent County Tourism Commission
Roberts-Judson Lumber Co.
Dragonfly Wings Foundation - Lisa & Wes Hester
David & Sarah Massengale family
Judson Young Foundation
ONCRC Sponsor ($1,000-2,499):
Living the Dream Outdoor Properties * Maury & Karen Mertz * Liz Condray * Mary Beth Cook * Ridge Runner Drilling & Pump Co. LLC * Sherman & Marsha Odom * Susan Flader *
Tod & Rose Kinerk * MFA Oil Company * Drusilla Rees * Thomas Logging, LLC